Finished writing the ending of my latest project (which is actually a rewrite). Now I just have to go back and type in the parts I wrote in my notebook. The notebook has its ups and downs. It's portable and allows me to sneak in writing time. Waiting rooms are a perfect place. I don't really need to know what bitchy things Jennifer
Aniston has to say about Angelina Jolie. So the latest copy of People can gather dust while I get a few pages written.
After typing in the material from the notebook, I'll give it a once over, tying in old and new material. Then it's off to my agent for a look.
I keep telling people I hope to sell it. They ask me why this book would be any different. I hope they're right, but with publishers scaling back and the economy in the tank, you never know. I'll just keep writing and think positive. Sometimes that's all you can control.
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