Monday, May 31, 2021

Saw A Quiet Place II This Weekend

Jenn and I went for lunch yesterday, then saw A Quiet Place II at the Aurora Theater. The Aurora is a great little theater. One screen, and it's about a quarter mile from our house, right in the heart of the village. This was my first trip to a theater since March of 2020, when Jenn and I saw Birds of Prey. Seeing as we're both fully vaccinated, we felt comfortable going to the movies. 

I enjoyed the movie overall. At just over an-hour-and-a-half, it moves briskly and generates some good tension (and quite a few jump scares). It could've benefited from another twenty minutes of run time. We get to witness the initial arrival of the creatures and the mass panic it causes. The film generates a genuine sensation of dread as a black, comet-like object streaks across the sky, heralding the arrival of the creatures. Soon after, chaos erupts. I would've liked to seen the film spend a little more time on this, however, the sequence was well done. After the initial attack, the movie jumps ahead to where the first film left off. 

There are a few creepy set pieces where we only get a brief glimpse of things. Again, it would've been cool to see the film explore these a bit more. I'm thinking of the ruined train complete with dried-out corpses. The ending was abrupt and left questions answered, setting up a likely sequel.  Among other things, I wanted to know how many of the creatures were there? Thousands? Tens of thousands? And how were they able to apparently wipe out vast swaths of the population? Maybe these questions will be answered in future sequels.

I'm going to see it again tonight with my son Matt, who didn't get a chance to see the movie over the weekend. Looking forward to that, as going to the movies has been a tradition I have with Matt.  He's moving on campus in August, and I'm glad to have at least one more trip to the movies with him before he moves out. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Some New Artwork and a Short Story Collection

 I just sent a short story collection I put together off to my first reader/proofreader. I should be putting this up for sale in a week or so. Here's a look at the cover for Strange Ways.

The weather has been beautiful the past few days, with more to come. We opened our pool last Friday, and my wife took the inaugural dip of the season yesterday afternoon. 

I don't watch a ton of movies these days, but I would like to check out the apocalyptic thriller Greenland, as well as Zack Snyder's Army of the Dead. Both look promising. 

I did a few pen and ink drawings recently. I was fairly happy with both of them. I've always liked imagery of crows and ravens, so I decided to draw one. Have a tattoo appointment scheduled in October to get a raven done on my forearm.

As always, I have prints available of my artwork here. 

Sunday, May 09, 2021

Preliminary Cover Art for Season of Crows

 Season of Crows is nearing the 30K word mark. Worked on it a bit this morning. I also got in a quick workout. When Jenn gets up, I'm going to pick her up her favorite smoothie for Mother's Day. Have a seafood dinner planned for her later.

I thought I'd reveal the preliminary cover for Season of Crows, also. 

Planning on spending the day with Jenn and our boys to celebrate Mother's Day.

Saw A Quiet Place II This Weekend

Jenn and I went for lunch yesterday, then saw A Quiet Place II at the Aurora Theater. The Aurora is a great little theater. One screen, and...